Thursday, March 27, 2008

The sounds of silence...

It's quiet in my house tonight. Too quiet. The only sounds I hear right now are the clicking of my fingers on the keyboard and the cat giving herself a bath in the chair beside me.

It's lovely having company. It's lonely when company goes home. Back to the mundane laundry/dishes/housecleaning chores of "normal" life. Back to the business of sorting out my thoughts...although, it's not a bad business to be about (and pretty necessary).

Maybe silence is good for something. I have much to ponder. :-)

1 comment:

Nate said...

Be still and know that I am God.

I love that line. I used to work at night at a golf course in Northern Minnesota. I would sit out in the middle of this course, with no wind. Just the stars, the moon, and silence. I still remember that like it happened yesterday.