Saturday, April 08, 2006

Another one....

You Should Be A Poet
You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem.
What'>">What Type of Writer Should You Be?


Dena G said...

Somehow the heading got cut was "You Should Be a Poet". :-)

Susan Barnes said...

I did the quiz and discovered I should be a film writer! But I really don't think so.

Do you think you are a poet?

Dena G said...

I love writing poetry...I've mostly written prose (devotionals, etc) the past few years, but I consider myself a poet at heart. I've written reams and reams of poetry (mostly REALLY BAD!!!) over the years, especially in those angst-ridden teen years. ;-) I thought this description perfectly fit my writing style.

One of my friends who IS an aspiring film writer took the quiz and it showed she should be a film writer.

Herschel said...

i owe you an apology...

I thought you knew about st. louis and figured you would have said something if you wanted to go....i wasn't thinking...sorry

Dena G said...

Apology accepted, my friend. :-)

It had actually slipped my mind...with my uncle's funeral and everything just being turned upside down in my world, I just lost track of the days and forgot it was this weekend. Sometimes I think I need a personal secretary to keep me on track of things!

There'll be another concert someday...

Erin said...

I got the same thing you did, Dena. Why do we always end up with the same quiz results, you and me? :)

Dena G said...

Amazing, isn't it? ;-)

Guess that just proves you can separate "sisters" by years, miles, AND different DNA, but none of that trivial stuff matters to God. :-)