Friday, May 16, 2008

Losing my mind...

I read this on Wrecked For the Ordinary today...THIS is who I want to be. Some would maybe say I've lost my mind in a very different way, of course, but this...this is my heart.

I tell you this morning that I have lost my mind. I have given it over to Christ, some time ago, and He does much better things with it than I ever would have. He has my mind, my heart, my spirit, my body, my life. All of it is His. This is no sacrifice - I simply acknowledge the truth that Is, Was, and Always Will Be...and choose to live joyously within it. In this place I find passion and purpose, and the wildest places in my heart are stirred to dance even as hard things are happening in every area of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. Thank you.