Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The speck of dust who enthralls You....

I'm just stuck on that line from one of Charlie Dodrill's songs--God has really been speaking to me through Charlie's music and through this particular song and that particular line in...well, particular.

Pastor Joey preached a sermon a few weeks ago entitled "It's Not About Me" and I guess I really needed to hear that...and, apparently, I need to hear it more than once, because it's one of those subjects that seems to be randomly and "coincidentally" popping up everywhere I go (I don't believe in coincidence, if you didn't already know that). I know that I forget sometimes that worship is...well, WORSHIP. Adoration and praise to the Creator who loves me and gives me immeasurable, undeserved grace--why wouldn't I adore Him? And yet, so many times, I find myself walking into church, hoping I'm going to "get" something out of the music and the sermon...and not giving a thought to what I'm going to give to Him. Sometimes I have the right attitude, sometimes my heart's been in a state of worship all week and church is just a place of corporately continuing what I've already been doing alone, but not always. So, I've been asking God to remind me...and He's been doing just that.

And one of those reminders has been through this song, "Under the Impression". People who are around me much are probably going to get tired of hearing me say "Listen to Charlie Dodrill. Go buy his CD...NOW!" I realize not everyone's wired like I am (be grateful!) and maybe God doesn't speak to you as much or in quite the same way as He does to me through music, but...I'm going to share the lyrics of this song, because I think it's an incredible reminder of the sovereignty of God and the UNsovereignty of me, but...even though I AM a "speck of dust" to Him, I'm fearfully and wonderfully made--made in HIS image and He loves me just the way He's created me--it just thrills my heart to think that *I* enthrall the How could it get any better than that? I spend my time sometimes trying to impress people around me...and that's so NOTHING compared to the fact that the Lord knows everything about me and loves me--LOVES me...loves ME. Think on that for awhile--God loves YOU...for everything you are and even despite everything you're not.

"Under The Impression"--Charlie Dodrill
Lord I have trouble understanding anything--
Your deeds much less Your ways.
Confused by what I read and even what I sing
Will it be thus always?
I think perhaps my introspection is to blame
I think so selfishly.
I long for wisdom, but I'm still playing the game,
For I am under the impression that it's all for me.

Oh God, Your glory should be what consumes my heart
Hallowed be Thy name.
But I'm convinced I am the whole, not just a part,
Much to my great shame.
I need the vista from the fiery crystal sea,
I need it desperately.
If my perspective stays, I'll never find the key,
For I am under the impression that it's all for me.

Oh Lord to be consumed with Thee,
I want to be wise.

My Martha-mind is concerned about many things,
While disregarding the one.
Pre-occupied with all the things that have to do with me,
Not with Heaven's Son.
Lord, how am I supposed to apprehend anything
While I'm so big in my eyes?
Like Ptolemy, thinking all the worlds revolve around me,
I'm in for such a surprise.
Surprise me...

Lord, I wait for You to change the view
from where I'm standing.
To see You for who You are
And see me as the speck of dust who enthralls You,
Not some shining star.
And from my place prostrate down in the dust
I'll lift my gaze, Your face I'll see.
And for the first time in my life I will be
No longer under the impression that it's all for me.

Then I will be
Consumed with Thee,
At last I will be...

No longer under the impression that it's all for me.


Erin said...

I've had that song in my head since yesterday (I think it started when I read your MySpace headline :))! This is the first time I've read the lyrics, though. Wow. I really love the very end--the part about being truly wise hits me in particular. I've been reading the wisdom books in the OT recently, and this time 'round of reading the proverbs, I was struck by how often wisdom is equated with humility and foolishness is equated with pride. Hmm. My heart is hungry for true wisdom.

Dena G said...

I had read the lyrics when I first got the CD and I sing them ALL the time, but it took typing them out for some of it to really hit me for the first time...that's strange, isn't it?! Apparently, I don't even listen to myself!!

There's a LOT here I need to sit down and consider, because I've been so focused on the one line, but it's been a BIGGIE for me.

I'm realizing (all over again--I seem to need this lesson way too often) just how "okay" it is for me to be nothing but "a speck of dust".

I struggle and strive all the time to be that "shining star", as if it's going to make some big impression on God that I sing on the praise team and serve Katrina survivors, or that I receive more praise than my co-workers for killing myself to get the job done, or that my house is cleaner and my clothes nicer than someone else. That's all just irrelevant CRAP. And I'm relatively certain I don't really impress anyone else much, either.

But that's okay. He still loves me...for who I AM and not for what I DO. When I see myself stripped of my "star" quality, stripped down to nothing but the dust into which HE breathed life...and then see that He loves THAT--I'm overwhelmed. And that's where I want to be...on my face before Him, overwhelmed and consumed...and maybe with the beginnings of wisdom.

Herschel said...

so i listened to him....hes pretty awesome

Erin said...

Hey woman, do you have another blog you've been posting to while you've been neglecting this one? Where you at?? :)

Dena G said... other blog is called "life". ;-) And the flowerbed. And the garden. I've been doing a LOT of posting there lately. I think I'm on summer hiatus...

Erin said...

Haha--oops, I forgot that I'd already posted a "hey where are you," when I posted to your other post yesteday. My bad. Well, anyway, I miss you!