Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'm so excited!!

I now owe less than $1800 on my Jeep!! Seems like I've been paying on it forever--well, I HAVE actually been making car payments forever, because I've always traded the vehicle I had as soon as I made the last payment. I'm keeping my little cactus green Liberty--partly because it's a Renegade like me and mostly because I still love it today as much as I did the day I bought it. Just a few more payments and it's mine, ALL MINE! It's good to see a little more light at the end of the "debt-free" tunnel.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Way to go, girl! I think you'll notice that it drives differently after you've made the last payment on it! Also, to comment on your previous post, I had (before my computer crashed) a version of Walking in Memphis by Cher. It was Cher singing it...techno. It was But I would still listen to it every now and then thinking that it might be better the next time I listened to it. No such luck. It did, however, make me realize how much I love the Mark Cohn version!