Thursday, May 03, 2007

It doesn't take much to amuse me...

I currently have a total of 912 songs on my IPod. For whatever reason (I'm a little OCD at times), I decided recently to listen to EVERY song in alphabetical order. Fortunately, I had a 10 1/2 hour drive to and from Mississippi last can listen to a lot of music when you're on the road that long.

So, I'm on the way home, with my playlist somewhere in the 800s. As I crossed the Mississippi/Tennessee state line, at the very second that I passed the "Memphis City Limit" sign, the song "Walking In Memphis" started playing and I started laughing. I mean, out of 912 songs, what's the possibility of that happening? (If you're a probability and statistics person, you can figure it out if you'd like and let me know.) :-)

God has a great sense of humor--I'm glad he knows what makes me laugh...and I'm glad he chooses to randomly toss those little things in my path at times when I need a good laugh. I'd spent the first 3 hours of my drive home in tears, so I needed that.


Jerry said...

Ugh, I'm strictly a random-order guy. And even though my MP3 player theoretically contains only Jerry-approved songs, I still find that I'm constantly pressing buttons to hear a different song, just like I always did when I was confined to the radio (as anyone tortured during road trips with me can confirm)....

NFB in NYC said...

first off, wow, that's incredible!

secondly, i commend you. I am much like Jerry. I can skip through 100 songs on my iPod before I find one I want to listen to..even though I put them all on there to begin with. To listen to them all would be torture!

Dena G said...

Well, in all honesty, I didn't listen to ALL of EVERY song, but I listened to at least part of all of them...partly to decide what I wanted to remove since I never listen to some of them.

I really do think it all was a "God thing", though, because I was SO upset that Saturday morning--the last thing I wanted to do was drive away from my little bunkhouse and head for Illinois...I was truly heartbroken.

The first few songs that played after I decided I could no longer stand the sound of silence (and my sniffles) were songs that really spoke to the moment and comforted me for a variety of reasons. Maybe I'll post a few of them...

Erin said...

I'm a skipper-arounder on my iPod, too. I periodically go on there and remove all the songs I never listen to (which is why, even though I have a 2 gig nano, it's usually only half full). This confirms for me that I was right not to get one with more memory.

Glad you're back and had a great time :)