Monday, October 22, 2007

My love/hate relationship with Derek Webb...

Right now I hate him. Because, deep-down, I know he's right. And I don't want him to be. Because, if he is, I have to change. (As if I didn't already know that...)

Like Shane says..."have we even BEGUN to take the words of Jesus seriously?" And my answer, if I'm really honest, unfortunately, is "no, I haven't."

Rich Young Ruler--Derek Webb

(vs. 1)
poverty is so hard to see
when it’s only on your tv and twenty miles across town
where we’re all living so good
that we moved out of Jesus’ neighborhood
where he’s hungry and not feeling so good
from going through our trash
he says, more than just your cash and coin
i want your time, i want your voice
i want the things you just can’t give me

(vs. 2)
so what must we do
here in the west we want to follow you
we speak the language and we keep all the rules
even a few we made up
come on and follow me
but sell your house, sell your suv
sell your stocks, sell your security
and give it to the poor
what is this, hey what’s the deal
i don’t sleep around and i don’t steal
i want the things you just can’t give me

because what you do to the least of these
my brothers, you have done it to me
because i want the things you just can’t give me


faintnot said...

Thought I would continue our conversation here...
I guess what is real to me is if i stay at a church, i know that God has called me to not be devisive. I must love, because He is love. IF i stay, i cannot, must not be the one to cast the critical stone. If i have come to the point where I no longer can walk along side in agreement, if not in everything which is impossible anyway, but on the goals and values of pastor in question then, maybe, out of love for him and the work God is doing in him and through him I should leave...maybe, just maybe that would be the loving thing to do.

I left a church in anger once a long time ago...they were all friends of mine but I saw a side to the pastor that I couldnot agree after many years and reacquainting with them I have realized that God was doing a great redemptive work in them...on His timetable..and He (God) had no worries that they would come through. Sometimes I think I left in error. But at the critical stage I was in it was in THEIR best interest that I leave...and I have learned to not judge too quickly.
I din't mean to blindside is a tough thing, you know? It requires such selfless ness and I fail many times and will some more before I leave this earth.
He loves THEM just like He loves me and you...they are His kids and He is working it out in them to "will and to do His good pleasure".
I'm praying for you, Dena. You are in such a difficult situation. But I know are His and in that there is victory!!!!:)

Nate said...

If you remember me giving advice on "What next?" It was go with your passion. Your passion seems to be the down trodden. Maybe helping in a mission? Salvation Army? Red Cross?

Anonymous said...

To add to what Nate said...

Maybe moving to Gulfport? :) I don't know, you seem to like it there...


Dena G said...

Nate and Erin--I think something along that line is what I'll eventually end up doing...maybe not Gulfport (even though my heart IS there for various reasons right now), but I can see myself involved with some sort of service-type organization.

I honestly sometimes think I'm turning communist! ;-) I know that God sometimes blesses people with great financial gifts and that's wonderful, but I find myself wanting to be a Robin Hood of sorts...I see the huge gulf between the wealthy and those in need and I want to bridge that gap and even the playing field a little. So if you hear of a Robin Hood ministry... :-D

faintnot...I'm still thinking. I'll have a response eventually--either here or in a new post. Thanks for joining the discussion-I love having new voices in the conversation!

Dena G said...

Okay, faintnot, I'm still thinking, but I'm going to give a shot at sorting out the thoughts here.

I think there's a right way and a wrong way to be divisive. It's not my intention to argue just for the sake of argument or for the sake of stirring up trouble. Criticism can be a very healthy thing, provided it's done in a positive manner. Life would be a dull and boring thing if we all agreed on everything--the way I see it, we all bring something a little different to the table and somewhere in that mix, there can be a beautiful way to make it all work.

My problem, however, is the fact that I seem to be just WORLDS apart from what seems to be "normal" in most churches with which I'm familiar. God is just opening my eyes more every day to a new way of not just "doing" church, but of "living" it...every moment of every day.

Like this song I posted...I'm finding it SO true that we say we want to follow Jesus and we keep the rules (the ones that we want to keep, that is), but how many churches do you know of that are really, seriously willing to lay it all down for the sake of caring for their own church body, much less for the "outside" community?

And so it is with my church. We spent almost $30000 earlier this year on a big, flashing sign and we're borrowing money to buy bleachers for our gym, but what are we REALLY doing? How are we serving the poor and brokenhearted of our community? By knocking on their door on Wednesday night and giving them a slick sales presentation about the perks our church offers?

I question all those things. And I don't think it's wrong to question them. I argue passionately against the things I believe don't line up with scripture. But then I start questioning my questioning. ;-) Sometimes I feel like ALL I do is question and argue.

Because...not everything is bad about our gym. Some people have come to church just because we have a stupid, flashy sign (not sure that motivation is right, though!) I'm even seeing some growth in people (church members) because they're getting pulled out of their comfort zones when they knock on doors and do slick sales presentations.

So, I can't say it's all bad (as in "ungodly" bad). Some of it IS. But some of it just goes against the grain of what *I* believe the body of Christ should be about. It's alien and icky to me. And my dilemma is I don't know when it's time to just say "be blessed in what you're doing, but it's not for me" and move on.

I truly love these people. They've been my family for ten years. I don't want to be constantly in their faces, arguing against what they're doing. However, I also don't want to walk away if my voice is a part of the "iron sharpening iron" growth process for someone. And it's completely against my nature to abandon people I love when they're in the midst of a battle.

Since I've emotionally taken a step back from the situation and purposed to give myself a little vacation from dealing with it, things are better. I'm heading for MS tomorrow to help with a Katrina reconstruction ministry and I'm ready for the break! Sometimes God gives me more insight when I'm miles away from the situation...maybe that will be the case this time.

faintnot said...

Yes, I know what you mean...I had to leave the familiar for a while to get a grip on what I was sensing.

I just didn't want the bitterness thing to step into your life as it will try to sometimes. Sometimes we are called to stay in that difficult place, soemtimes it is just time to move on...either way, I know you will hear from Him...

out from behind church walls seems to be the running theme lately. I look forward to seeing where God leads you in His Service and the great things that will be accomplished for His Kingdom when we all hear and obey...

My heart is with you as you go...