Saturday, October 06, 2007

Purple pie...yum!!!

So, I've taken another little slice out of the purple pie and it's GOOD!! :-)

This isn't going to be as easy as I hoped it's good to have the visual in front of me to keep reminding me to be vigilant. This is the time of year that I start doing my Christmas shopping and it's easy for me to go overboard and get a little extravagant in my gift-giving.

Watching the pie get smaller each month should help to keep me on track. I hope. And spur me on to be a little more creative and a little less "spendy" on gifts this year.


Anonymous said...

I noticed the smaller pie! Congratulations!

Are you crafty at all? I've saved some money (and added a personal touch) by handmaking Christmas gifts the past few years. Knitting and crocheting are fun, but sometimes the yarn is expensive and not really a money-saver, but if you have a sewing machine, I have some fun ideas I could share with you :)

Nate said...

Trying to do the same. But not confident enough to put up a pie chart about it though.

Dena G said...

I'm making some Christmas gifts this year--crocheting some scarves and printing and framing some of my photos. I got some REALLY cheap yarn at the end of the season last year and I print my own photos, so I'm saving some money there.

I'm not much of seamstress (I CAN sew, I'm just not crazy about it unless it's curtains or something hand-stitched), but I'm always open to new ideas. :-)