Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's VD!!!!

Meg at has captured my VD sentiments in a bunch of GREAT Anti-Valentine cards. I have to quote a bit from the FAQ section of her website--I couldn't have said it better myself.

I’m against anyone with a vested interest telling us how and when it’s appropriate to be affectionate - say it with roses, a diamond is forever, if you REALLY loved her, you’d take her to Paris.

I hate all those cutesy bears holding satin hearts saying “I wuv oo snugglebum!” - as if love can only be this childish, price-tagged, pukey thing. I hate the fact that flowers which are reasonably priced at any other time of the year suddenly rocket in price in February, only to plummet again afterwards. It’s like the coporations are saying “yeah, we’re clearly ripping you off, but you have no choice but to accept it.” And I hate the cards with saccharine, pre-written messages and poems. If you love someone as an individual, why would you give them a generic message of love - “I love you in exactly the way that the card company says I should”?

There’s nothing less romantic and/or sexy than a bunch of wilted, overpriced flowers, slutty lingerie made in a sweatshop, chocolates melted down from left-over advent calendars and reformed into hearts and a card pre-printed with someone else’s generic sentiment which you’re supposed to sign away to your sweetheart.

Amen, sista!!


Anonymous said...

To be honest, I had even forgot that it was valentines day. We stuck some stupid hearts on the window and I made some cookies and a couple of tissue flowers. My Kid ate his. Happy VD day...

NFB in NYC said...

I read consumers in America will spend $17 Billion this year on VD...


Nate said...

Hate to sound like the voice of decent. But I love it when my wife wears those slutty sweatshop made pieces of lingerie. I am a red blooded american boy after all.

But I agree that I do not need a day to remind me. I make sure that I tell my wife (Sherri) and kids (Sam 6, and Alexi 14) everyday that I love them. It was something I told myself that I would do before we got married. When Sherri is ask, when was the last time your husband said he loved you? She can say, the last time I talked to him. Plus I don't just say it out of habit, I mean it when I say it. And she knows it.

Nate said...

Oh yeah, VD, I love itt.

Dena G said...

:-D @ Nate and his love for slutty lingerie. ;-) And CHEERS for telling your wife and fam every day that you love them. THAT's the real deal stuff.

I was talking to one of my co-workers today about VD--she said that she'd told her husband that, if he couldn't buy her flowers on any other day of the year "just because", she didn't want him buying her any on VD.

And that's my whole point...if someone wants to tell me they love me, I don't want them to feel "forced" to do it on a certain day. And I don't want to feel that performance anxiety myself.

I hate seeing people controlled by the greeting card/flower/chocolate/diamond industries that are simply out to make a financial killing by "big brother-ing" us into believing we MUST do something in a certain way on a certain day. (I read an article on WalMart and their shadowy, POSSIBLE blood diamond sales today--yet another reason to avoid the Evil Empire!)

And...from back in the days when I cared, I remember how absolutely awful it felt for everyone in my office to get a big bouquet of flowers when I got nothing. VD can be devastating (just like Christmas can be) to those who feel lost and alone and unseen. And it's all just industry ploys...none of it has anything to do with our worthiness/unworthiness.

Sorry...big soapbox issue for me. I'm just tired of seeing people hurt by commercialism at its finest.

I'd like to have some of that $17 billion to spend tomorrow on the lost/broken/destitute people of the world. That's my idea of love.

Jerry said...

Aw, yer just being a crank old lady.