Saturday, September 20, 2008


...what a beautiful thing.

I spent a large part of today entirely gutting my closet and dresser drawers. I always dread the task, but once it's done, I'm supremely glad I've done it.

I instituted a new "life rule" earlier this year--I decided that if I hadn't worn something for a year, unless I had a really good reason, it was going O-U-T. The 14 Rubbermaid RoughTotes on my porch, filled with clothes I'll never wear again but held onto for years, are testament to the reason for the rule.

So. I was tough. I have tees in every shade of the rainbow (thanks to Kohl's) and they look really nice in my closet when they're all in rainbow order like they should be. But. I think I wore maybe 3 of them this summer. Onto the "toss" pile they went. All but 4 of them. (#4 fell into that "good reason" category.) :-)

I threw out shoes I haven't worn in years...and now I have room for the ones I do wear. I kept the snowboots...probably just wishful thinking! Those cute little orange sequined flip-flops...come on. They were cheap, they ARE cute, but they hurt like hell every time I wear them (which has been maybe twice). All that foot surgery didn't do anything to make wearing cheap shoes feel any better. Oh well.

And then I moved on to the dresser. Out went socks and underwear. And more t-shirts. And everything went back into the drawers in my feel-good rainbow order.

My laundry is all done. My sheets are clean. Everything is in order. NOT the way I really like spending my Saturdays (really, I need a housekeeper, if I could just afford it, because I want to play on my day off), but I feel good. Satisfied. Organized. In order (rainbow, that is). Ready to face a chaotic world again.

Maybe I'll tackle the bookshelves tomorrow...


Nate said...

Uh oh, pac man has arrived. Congrats.

Geoff said...

I do that same thing a couple of times each year. I guess you could say that I'm a "throw-out rat" as opposed to a "packrat."

To be extra helpful, I've even tried to do the same for Michelle. Yeah, that didn't go so well.

Dena G said...

I can only imagine, Geoff. :-)

Maybe I can hire you? I think I need a "throw-out rat" to help me.