Sunday, September 24, 2006

The tilling and the redeeming

So...God is obviously up to something in my life. Not really sure what it is right now. Not really sure if I even WANT to know, from the little "previews of coming attractions" I've experienced so far. There's a deep sense of...almost foreboding, but if it's GOD, can it really be that bad (in the long run, anyway)?

I KNOW that God is in the junk recycling business...He's the ultimate finder of long-forgotten attic treasures--and amazingly adept at cleaning, polishing and fixing that which is dirty and tarnished and broken. He should be, shouldn't he, since he's also the designer and creator of what we've allowed this world to trash and toss aside like yesterday's news? He alone intimately knows the purpose for which our broken-piece-of-crap selves were created.

And, like my friend Hersch, I've been sensing that God wants to till the soil of my heart and dig out some of those deep-rooted weeds that are choking out a beautiful and bountiful harvest...I'm not unwilling to yield a bountiful harvest, of course, but I've wielded the tiller in the garden in my backyard enough to know that plowing the soil is never a pretty thing, although there's not much more beautiful to a farmgirl-at-heart than a freshly plowed field, just waiting to be planted. And, isn't it amazing what lies just beyond the hard, dried surface of a fallow, weedy field?

I'm not really sure where all this is going...maybe I just need to sort out some thoughts and see in black and white what I'm sensing the Lord is telling me to prepare for. If I'm worth tilling and worth cleaning and polishing and fixing, God must see beauty and potential in me...and that's worth knowing. :-)


Erin said...

It's really good to have you back, D.

NFB in NYC said...

I love this analogy.

It's just too bad that most of the time deep down I want to hold on to the junk and not allow God to turn it into something beautiful. Your blog speaks volumes to me in so many ways. I have been doing so much thinking/listening lately and it comes as no surprise you posted this at this time.

Thanks Dena.

Dena G said...

It's really no surprise to me, either. :-) I think that's part of functioning as the BODY of Christ, Nathan...if we're really acting as a body, it all works together.

We're all connected--through the Holy Spirit, because we love one another and because we consciously and unconsciously invest in (and speak into) each other's lives.

I mean--look at the physical examples we have: My hand will place a bandage on a scrape on my knee, my foot will kick a door open so the rest of me can walk through it, my fingers will turn the pages of a book so my eyes can read it and my mind can absorb it...most of that is just automatic--I don't have to stop and wait for my brain to tell me to move a certain body part. It just WORKS.

And, if we're attuned to the Lord's voice, the body of Christ is going to function like that. I'm glad I've been listening. And I'm glad my friends have been, too. It's working.

Amy said...

Keep on listening to God's voice, for those of us who have turned a deaf ear. (That'd be me.) I need for the rest of the body to pick up the slack for me sometimes. Thanks for doing that for me right now! Love ya.

Dena G said...

We all take our turns in both places, don't we? I'm just glad God has connected me with such an amazing bunch of people...

I'd love to see the view from His perspective--the way the ebb and flow of our individual lives fit together into some fantastic, ever-morphing jigsaw puzzle!