Sunday, September 24, 2006

What Erin said...

I'm lifting some words from my friend Erin's blog until I get derusted. Amazing how God leads you to the right places at the right time for the words you need to hear. (Thanks Erin and Hersch...and the "total stranger" whose words Erin posted on HER blog.)

"I'm excited to see what God has for he redeems the brokenness all around me into something far more beautiful than what I ever thought to ask Him for..." (words from the total stranger)

This idea of redeeming what is broken...has been coming up all around me recently. A song I heard in the car today:

"So lay down the sword
And put away the doctrine
Love a little more, love a little more
‘Cause everybody’s broken..."

And something Bev said to me awhile ago...She had just finished pointing out a character issue I have...and, knowing that I'm a mel-head, she qualified her observation with another piece of wisdom that I've held in my pocket ever since: "Don't go to the opposite extreme, now...God doesn't want to change your tendency, He wants to redeem it..."

I guess this is kind of like God's business--it's what he's all about: buying back our broken, garage-sale junk (this who-would-ever-want-this-piece-of-crap-broken-toaster-but-I'm-going-to-put-a-price-on-it-and-see-what-happens junk)...and somehow, miraculously, magically, wonderfully, turning it into something beautiful. That's the business God is in. I don't get it, but it makes me so glad, because I'm one of those broken things that he's bought and is in the process of turning into something worthwhile.

Thanks, Jesus.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ha! I love that we can quote each other when the words elude us. Borrow my words anytime. Chances are, I stole them from someone else, anyway :)