Thursday, December 07, 2006

While you're waiting...

...for me to get home from Mississippi, go here: and read what Jacob has to say. (A forewarning: he has LOTS to say!! Must be why I like him...he reminds me of me!) I'll have to confess that I haven't read it all myself, but I will digest it all when I have the opportunity.


Erin said...

"Postmodern theology" is a buzz word that raises red flags.

NFB in NYC said...

I knew about 2 paragraphs in I had read this before. It's a very good passage by Brian McClaren. There is a lot McClaren says that I think "hmm...I dunno".

Pretty good stuff.

It's from a book called "Adventures in Missing the Point" Coauthored by Brian and Tony Campolo. It might also be in another of Brian's books. Adventures was very good, I would recommend it..perhaps let you borrow it if Cheryl ever returns it. :)

Dena G said...

Well...never mind for now. Jacob is "remodelling" his blog--he's deleted the non-lyric posts and is going to post them elsewhere. I'll post the link when he decides where to put them.