Sunday, October 07, 2007


The great mystery of God's love is that we are not asked to live as if we are not hurting, as if we are not broken. In fact, we are invited to recognize our brokenness as a brokenness in which we can come in touch with the unique way that God loves us. The great invitation is to live your brokenness under the blessing. I cannot take people's brokenness away and people cannot take my brokenness away.

But how do you live in your brokenness? Do you live your brokenness under the blessing or under the curse? The great call of Jesus is to put your brokenness under the blessing.

Henri J.M. Nouwen


Herschel said...

this is good stuff

Happy said...

Dena - thank you for posting this. which of Nouwen's books is it from? I so needed to hear this tonight.

Grace and peace,