Sunday, September 30, 2007

Help Me Out Here...

I've been listening a lot lately to a new-to-me group called The Cobalt Season. Once again, I've found someone speaking a language I know...these are lyrics that resonate deeply with me and all the uneasiness/unsettledness I've been experiencing lately. I just keep thinking "there's something more, there's something you're almost getting"...this is part of it. Where DO we go from here? Where do *I* go from here? If I say I believe it but do nothing (or maybe very little...or maybe even some) to back up my words, does that make me worse than an unbeliever? Frankly, I'm tired of ignoring it. Or pushing it aside, promising I'll look at it another day.

Help Me Out Here--The Cobalt Season

Rain fallin’ down on my face
Wash me clean; wash my sins away
And take me back where I used to run
So fast and free, like the Kingdom Come
Just like the Kingdom Come

Still we go marchin’ on, blood on our hands
Dirt on our skin, heads in the sand
In some other time or in the here-and-now
How far will we go? All that we allow

Help me out here…I’m getting tired
Help me out here…I’m getting tired

Pardon me if I say too much
I could never ignore that which I ought not touch
And curiosity might be all I got
And some cynicism from experience wraught
My experience brought me here

They say we must go on, never lookin’ back
Lest we ever learn the wisdom we lack
And curiosity, it might be my death
Though I may rest from time to time to catch my breath

Help me out here…I’m getting tired

And all that we need to see
And all those we need to hear
We tie their hands behind their backs and look away

Yes we tear the shirt right off their back
Then we donate cash for all they lack
Fancy ourselves philanthropists; save justice for another day

And we wonder how we got so far
Making money off each other’s scars
“Still it’s never my fault, I mean what other options did I have?”

Buying someone else’s tyrannic dreams
Of force and greed and foolish schemes
When there is Light to help illuminate the Way

Still we choose to tell each other lies
That this Kingdom can never be realized
The Master never could have meant the words he said

Where do we go from here? God only knows
Or perhaps that’s just a bunch bullshit spiritual prose
Perhaps we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for
Perhaps God has been just waiting at our door
He’s waiting at the door
And I’ll try to be the first to tell you when I’m wrong
I’ll write a book about it right here in my song
Here is where I start to try and start again
Learning to become a father and a friend

Help me out here…I’m getting tired


Nate said...

Do you do something everyday to show unexpected kindness to someone?

Dena G said...

As a matter of fact, yes. Or I at least make a valiant attempt on most days. It is certainly my intention to do everyone else, I fail at times-- even at my most valiant!

Nate said...

Then I believe that you are living how God would like you to right now. Living in the big city as I do, I have the luxury of surprising people all day with unexpected kindness. Opening doors for them, giving a warm smile at the cash register and treating the person like a human rather than something that is slowing me down from getting on with my day. etc.. etc..

The response is wonderful to see. Their eyes become momentarily confused, then alight with delight as they realize someone is seeing them as a person rather than their role. I normally get a big smile out of them before I go. I believe it is how Jesus would have treated them. If you treat people how Jesus would, then you are now walking as he would want you to.

Now as to calling. If you feel God calling you to do more. Go where you feel happiest. God will take care of the rest. That is the fun part, and the hard part. If you are in his will, he will make all things possible. But you will have to sweat first and continue to have faith that it will come out OK. Follow God in your heart, and he will take care of you.

Dena G said...

What I'm doing right now is a start, Nate, but that's all it is. I'm having my eyes opened to the "big picture"...encompassing social justice/responsibility and how we, as believers, should respond to those in poverty.

My dilemma is this: I see how American culture is "me"-centered and "good ole USA"-centered and how we are basically raping and pillaging other parts of the world to support our selfish, over-indulgent lifestyles. What do *I* do about that?

How can I, in good conscience, continue to shop at WalMart for China-made shoes or Guatemalan-produced T-shirts for which I may be paying a "good" (ie, "cheap") price when I know the conditions under which these products are made?

I don't want to be one of the people throwing cash at the problem, fancying myself to be all good and charitable, when I'm one of the causes of the problem in the first place.

We've gotten our world into a hell of a mess because when we look at it, we see borders and colors and differences. We protect "our kind" what price? We close our eyes and allow horrible things to happen, just so we can look cool in our Abercrombie shirts and GAP jeans...or so our kids can look good in their Mary Kate and Ashley stuff from WalMart. question STILL is where do I go from here? My eyes have been opened. I have the knowledge. My daily "paying it forward" just isn't enough anymore.

Nate said...

Then you are being called. The Holy Spirit will not give you peace until you are on the path God wants you on. What is your passion? The thing that you care about above all others. Get involved in that in some way, then more doors will open to you. God will show you which one by attracting you to it.