Thursday, February 23, 2006

Baby, It's Cold...Inside!

It's a chilly 62 degrees in my house this morning. My furnace quit working around 9:00 last night and, unfortunately, it wasn't as simple as relighting the pilot light this time.

After spending about fifteen minutes trying to do just that and watching the little flame flicker and go out every time I let go of the button (and after being told I sounded like the dad on "Christmas Story" when he's having "furnace issues"!), I gave up, stomped back upstairs, wrapped up in blankets and turned on the space heater.

I'm REALLY glad the weather is warmer now than it was over the weekend--while I was gone, the temperature in my house dropped to poor cat was glad for her fur coat!!

My fingers are COLD...time for some coffee. Maybe if I just stick my fingers down in the mug.... ;-)


Jules said...

bummer...I think it's supposed to get cold again this weekend, though!

Dena G said...

Thanks to Gordon, the master furnace-fixer guy, I now have heat again!!

NFB in NYC said...

lol. Well, at the ole Brendal home, it's always 62..thanks to the wonders of gas heat and 120 year old walls!