Sunday, February 12, 2006

...Blooming Most Recklessly...

...Blooming Most Recklessly... I am, a late "bloomer" in the blogging world, finally caving in to the peer pressure and having absolutely no clue what I'm doing--yet. I'll figure it out, though...definitely through trial and probably through error. When I figure out the whole photo-posting thing, I'll try that, too.

I wanted to use "Myself When I am Real" as the name of my blog, but a LOT of people are already using that (so much for thinking I was "original" in my idea to pirate the name from Bebo). So...I chose part of a quote from one of my favorite poets/writers, Rainer Maria Rilke, whom I may be quoting regularly for awhile, since he's a current addiction.

I'm not sure what this blog will end up looking won't be a "Dear Diary, today I...." kind of thing, I'm relatively certain. I'm all about randomosity (one of my favorite words that I wasn't really sure WAS a "real" word, but a lot of other people think it is, so it must be...)--I'll probably be just as surprised as anyone else when I see what ends up here. For now....a Rilke poem that I LOVE:

I live my life in growing rings
which move out over the things around me.
Perhaps I'll never complete the last,
but that's what I mean to try.

I'm circling around God, around the ancient tower,
and I've been circling thousands years;
and I still don't know: am I a falcon, a storm
or a great song.

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