Monday, June 23, 2008


I want to join the dance!!

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.


Dena G said... comments box seems to have disappeared from view.

Julie said...

is it weird that that made me want to cry? I see stuff like that and a realize that my God is bigger than my little Fairfield box that I put him in. Not that that video had any spiritual significance or anything like that at all...I have no clue about anything about why it was done or why this guy was in all those countries, but I loved it!

Dena G said...

It didn't just make me WANT to cry...I cried quite a bit the first time I watched it this morning. I watched it again at noon and got all teary-eyed again.

I'm seeing something really profound here. It was deeply spiritual to me. Everything IS spiritual, remember!

God speaks to me in strange ways sometimes. This is a good "strange". I'm still chewing on the "The Happening" strange. ;-)

jovial_cynic said...

Oh, good! It wasn't just me. I cried so much I wrote a blog post about it.

simply dance

But yeah - good to know that I'm not the only person who was moved to tears by a silly dance video.

Dena G said...

I have a blog post in the works about it...

Seems like this "silly dance video" has affected a lot of people...thanks for sharing!