Sunday, June 15, 2008


...courtesy of Heather at Deconstructed Christian:

"I’m a broken person. A collection of smashed pieces. I used to think God fixed the broken and made things perfect and whole. Now I’m not so sure.
I think it’s more like he holds a candle in such a way that it illuminates all those broken pieces, so the light shines through and makes them beautiful in their brokenness."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hm. I'll have to think about that. My melancholy side appreciates the beauty of brokenness, but I still am inclined to believe that God does fix what is broken and make it whole. Maybe not in this lifetime, but what kind of God would leave us in our despair and try to tell us to look at it in a way that makes it seem beautiful? My brokenness is beautiful insomuch as it, by contrast, allows me to see God's grace in its splendor and wholeness and wonder. But God did not create us to be broken--we did that to ourselves. I long for the day that God restores us and makes things right again.

Just my two cents.