Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Accountability matters...

So. I got called on something today. By someone for whom I care very much. Someone whom I respect. Someone whom I want to respect me...and my integrity.

This was one of those little "gray area" all honesty, it was nothing illegal, sinful, or otherwise morally wrong (although I'm quite capable of all those things). But. It WAS questionable. And I was questioned. I have NEVER liked gray. I'm liking it even less these days.

I find myself talking a lot about accountability--mostly bemoaning the fact that I don't have the accountability in my life that I want to have. So, did it, then, feel good to be confronted? Nope. I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach.

But...someone held me accountable. Made me take a long, hard look at a foolish choice and the resulting consequences. Made me understand how others are sometimes hurt by my rash decisions. And I can honestly say "thanks".


Amy said...

This is totally off the subject, but is your kitty my kitty's friend on Catster? =)

Dena G said...

Yes. :-)

Erin said...

Ooh, Dena's kitty's on Catster? So are my cats (although I haven't updated their info for awhile). Obie is 169633 and Mika is 187374

Dena G said...

I know. I started to send them a "be my friend" message the other night, but I had to enter your email address--didn't have time at the moment to go look it up and I haven't gotten back to it yet. Pissy is 399124.

Herschel said...

you have a cat named pissy? that may be the best named cat i've heard of.

too bad cats are evil.

Geoff said...

Referring back to the original post, I have been thinking about accountability a lot lately... more exactly, my lack thereof. I think I am probably in need of a good kick in the stomach. Not that I would wish for it, but I know I need it.

Mordecai said...

Well, this lady has overstated the situation. What she did was her business, and her actions didn't imply anything. Perhaps someone infered things about her. Pissy's mom is an exceptional lady of very high integtity. The first assumption one should make in any "questionable" situations surrounding her is that there must be a logical, legitimate reason for her actions.
My comments make 2 of 7 which are on topic. You people are wierd (or is it wierd... or you people are odd, strange.

Dena G said...

You DO realize, don't you, mordecai, that you have chosen as your username the character who symbolizes the Holy Spirit in the book of Esther? Much could be inferred from that... ;-)

I DO have to take small exception with your comments, though. My action wasn't just MY business, if you look at it in "body of Christ" light. My actions affect the body as a whole and it behooves me to think about that, as well as how we are then, collectively, portrayed to the "outside" community. I think I don't do that enough (yet another thing for me to analyze to death!!) :-)

Growing up as the daughter of a police officer, I was constantly reminded by my parents that people were watching me. By virtue of a position in life that I did NOT choose for myself, I was called to a higher standard of behavior than actions, character, integrity, and attitude were expected to be exemplary every moment of my life so I would reflect well on my dad and his position in the community (and yes, I failed countless times).

In the same light, by virtue of this "body of Christ" position that I DID choose for myself, does this not call me to walk in a place of higher accountability to the Body? It's my heart's desire for my actions, character, integrity and attitudes to be exemplary so they DO reflect well on my heavenly Dad and His position in our community (and yes, I fail there, too, but His grace is sufficient.)

As was evidenced by this situation, not everyone looks immediately for "logical, legitimate reasons"'s way too easy to jump to conclusions first. And that's why I choose to make myself accountable...I can't see how things look from a viewpoint outside of my head. :-)

Dena G said...

And, mordecai...I love my odd, strange, wierd, weird, wired friends who leave the occasional random, off-topic comments on my blog, but since I've now posted a picture of my beloved cat, you may feel free to leave a comment about her on that post!! ;-)

Mordecai said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mordecai said...

"Occasional random, off-topic", you say? When I logged on originally, 5 of the 6 comments had nothing to do with the topic. Hmm... I would probably call that, like, 5/6ths off-topic. Oh well, toe-MAY-toe, toe-MAH-toe. To each, his own, as my dearly departed mom used to remind me.
It didn't dawn on me that choosing the anonym Mordacai would have such an effect on you, my dear.
Getting back to topic, though, [grinning]...
On 2nd thought, I believe I will leave this post off topic. I'm entitles, aren't I? Perhaps it will help me to "fit in". While I'm off the topic, maybe I should post *my* kitty's pic. She's cuter than yours!