Monday, October 23, 2006

"Poiema" unveiled...

Blame it on Hersch...he asked what "poiema" means. ;-)

From Strong's: Word 4161. 1) that which has been made.2) a work. a) of the works of God as creator. Derived from Word 4160, "poieo". 1) to make
a) with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion, etc.
b) to be the authors of, the cause c) to make ready, to prepare...etc.

It's the word used in Ephesians 2:10--"We are His workmanship (poiema)". His creation. His handiwork. Something He has produced and made ready. Good stuff, eh?

That's the "technical" stuff. The personal story behind it is:

"Poiema" is the title of one of Michael Card's CDs from a few years ago (1994). Since I'm not a Greek scholar, that was my first exposure to the word. Being a "wordaholic", though, I DID go immediately and look up the meaning. :-)

One of the songs on the CD is called "Poem of Your Life". I'm trying to find the lyrics and, of course, can't. At the moment. I WILL find them and I'll post them, but for now, I'll just post part of the liner notes...some of his comments about the purpose behind the music.

''The Bible tells us that we are God's masterpieces (poiema in Greek); not only creatures, but His creations, His poems (Eph 2:10). We are living epistles (2 Cor 3:3). And so, our lives are meant to be listened to, because it is God who is speaking into and out of and through the symphony of the years, and the masterpiece of a lifetime. "

Being a writer/poet/musician sort, I LOVED the fact that, in a way, I, as God's created work, am a life is a poem, a song that He's written for the world to hear. And I might be a simple short, sweet (I hope!) song, but I'm also part of this huge, magnificent, overwhelmingly beautiful SYMPHONY that spans heaven and earth and all our lifetimes--my little part in the symphony may be just that (little), but when you're listening to an orchestra play, sometimes, above the trumpeting brass and the resonating drum, you hear the briefest, sweetest trill of a flute...and it outshines everything for a second. I want my life to sing His song...the song that He's put in me to sing. And I hope I'm not off-key...


Herschel said...

wow, i got my own post....YES!!!

seriously good stuff dena....maybe YOU should go to seminary....

Amy said...


Jules said...

I agree with Ame

NFB in NYC said...

Ooo..I'll mark that off my list of "questions i need answered"

good job hersch.

good stuff denamarie.

Dena G said...

Thanks, guys.

You're special, Hersch. ;-) And yes, I HAVE considered seminary--almost went right after college, but decided that wasn't God's plan for that time in my life...ya never know, I may go back to school when I'm 70!!

Nathan...have we already discussed that my mom's name is Marie? That was kind of eerie!

Anonymous said...

I love your imagery, metaphor-girl :)

Dena G said...

Here are the lyrics, thanks to my friend Jacob and the wonderful ability to cut and paste!! (Stay tuned, I think I feel another separate post coming on based on the lyrics...)

Life is a song we must sing with our days
A poem with meaning more than words can say
A painting with colors no rainbow can tell
A lyric that rhymes either heaven or hell
We are living letters that doubt desecrates
We're the notes of the song of the chorus of faith
God shapes every second of our little lives
And minds every minute as the universe waits by

The pain and the longing
The joy and the moments of light
Are the rhythm and rhyme
The free verse of the poem of life

So look in the mirror and pray for the grace
To tear off the mask, see the art of your face
Open your ear lids to hear the sweet song
Of each moment that passes and pray to prolong
Your time in the ball of the dance of your days
Your canvas of colors of moments ablaze
With all that is holy
With the joy and the strife
With the rhythm and rhyme of the poem of your life
With the rhythm and rhyme of the poem of your life

Florazul Eventos said...

I love the song from the first time I heard it. I lost my CD a long time ago and have been looking for the lyrics. Thanks for posting them. Have you ever read Tolkien´s story of the creation of the world? It´s the first story in the Silmarilion and it reminded me a bit of this song. God bless you all.