Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mine, all mine...or is it?

There's a big, bright light looming at the end of the financial tunnel. After I made my car payment this morning, I now owe less than $1000 on my beautiful Jeep. Substantially less than $1000, actually. Two payments left. Another weight is lifting. I can breathe a little more easily. I'm nowhere near "THERE" because I still owe quite a bit on my house, but I can actually see the "debt-free" light at the end of this tunnel and it makes me almost giddy.

It's been a LONG time (pre-marriage, pre-home-buying [2], pre-credit-card-dependence) since I was completely out of debt. It's a good feeling to know it's not only possible, but actually almost touchable. There's such a sense of impending freedom...I know I carry a burden right now that prevents me from getting to the place where I sense God wants me to be--debt is a heavy load that demands not only my money, but my almost-constant thought and worry. I've realized how blessed I am and, as we study more about "community" and truly living as the Body of Christ in this world, I am more and more cognizant of my selfish "me, me, me" attitude in financial matters. Is it REALLY "mine, all mine"?

I am not one of those people who espouse--in any way, shape, or form--a "health, wealth, and prosperity" gospel. I don't believe in a reactionary, obedient God who is required by some force in the universe, if you just give your supposedly "mandatory" 10% (I have some major issues with that whole philosophy--actually, not just "issues"...I simply don't believe it's scriptural), to spit out financial blessings all over you...or work some kind of automatic, hokey magic that makes the 90% you're "allowed" to keep go just as far, or further even, than the 100% would. (I don't believe that is BEYOND God's ability, mind you...I'm just weary of people spouting trite platitudes and claiming them to be "gospel truth".) I'm tired of sermons on tithing. I'm tired of hearing the "Malachi formula". God is NOT my personal ATM. And he would love to have a lot more than 10% from us.

Read it:

Romans 12--1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Hmmm. So...what are our "bodies"? Our actual, individual physical bodies? The collective "body of Christ"? Both? Since it doesn't say "dissect your bodies and offer him 10%", I'm going to assume God wants it all. :-) I researched the Greek word "soma" used here--it can actually mean an individual body OR "a number of men closely united into one society, or family as in the New Testament church". Our giving isn't dictated by law or out of fear of a curse (shouldn't be, anyway!)--it's a simple, grateful response to God's mercy.

And coming full circle...if my life is full of debt, financial or otherwise, I'm unable to give my complete self. So, I need to get out of debt. I want to be able to give it all.

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