Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Random quote from a random blog...

...belonging to a random Vineyard church pastor somewhere in Canada. This is excerpted from a post about his son's graduation party. I think I want to go to his church...!

So last night my second child and son Jesse graduated from grade 12. Lisa and I invited the whole church over to celebrate. Lots of food, beer, wine, and excellent community. I just love how the community mixes from child to elder. We all mingle together and enjoy each other. I overheard someone say that our church is a “party church”. I like that. I think there is enormous value in just getting together and practice loving one another. This one will go down in memory.

And, in the end, isn't that what it's all about?? Mingling together. Enjoying one another. And some good beer. :-) Practicing love. Being an "excellent community". I want my church to be a party church. And I shouldn't have to go all the way to New Brunswick to find that...actually, I know I don't. I'm part of an "excellent community" already. My small group is my "party church" and I'm grateful beyond words for it. It may not be everything I'd like it to be, but it's a growing/learning process and we're getting there. Excellency takes practice...truly loving others takes practice. And I need the practice just as much as the next person.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you should come to my church. Much emphasis on community, and we like to party :) We were just studying Romans 14 last night, and it made me realize that we definitely fall into the category of Christians who understand our freedom in Christ when it comes to the "disputable matters." :)

But seriously, though. I think you'd love it.

Anonymous said...

umm, i just read that last night as well. on the same blog i would think. what are the odds...

a title from one of tony campolo's books that i always keep before me because i agree so wholeheartedly. "the kingdom of god is a party."

Anonymous said...

I just started a missions and evangelism class at church last night, and the lecture made me think of you. He started with a question: "What is God's overall purpose?"

The answer was this: "Missions is God's core purpose for humanity: His plan to REDEEM lost humanity, to reestablish his RULE through Jesus." (And I'm pretty sure he was talking about the end times & eternity with the restablished-rule stuff. Not the fundy "let's take over the government" kind of thing)

Anyway, it made me think of you and of what we've been chatting about recently. Puts an interesting spin on the purpose of the church, doesn't it? :)