Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Maybe I should rename this poem...

...and call it "Blog World" or something! :-)

Since several of us keep coming back to the "community" subject, I thought I would post this poem that I wrote a few years ago--it seems to fit. I'm so grateful for the community of friends I'm developing here, but by virtue of our Creator's design, I DO long for more...for the hug of a friend, for the laughter, the tears, the warmth in a smile that can only be experienced fully in the physical presence of those dear to me. The Lord keeps impressing on me the whole "body of Christ" concept...and body parts work best when they aren't severed and separated from one another!

Chat Room

Faceless bodies, voiceless words—
A cacophony of silent cries
Begging to be heard.

We bare our souls,
Reveling in anonymity,
And miss altogether what our
Nameless keystrokes preclude…

The warmth in a smile,
A brow furrowed in concern,
The touch of a friend—

The touch.


Herschel said...

i almost think this could applie to our "real life" relationships just as much....

Herschel said...

"applie" man im dumb

Dena G said...

You know, you're right (about the "real life relationships" thing, NOT about being dumb!!)

I know that I sometimes hold back the "real" me, because it's messy or ugly or just because I'm afraid of what someone might think if they REALLY knew who I was--I know that I'm missing out on the blessing of community when I do it...and yet I do it anyway.

WHY? I want to be heard...but I want to be LIKED, too, and there's a constant battle in my mind--"What if being heard means you won't be liked?"

God is really challenging me to step over the edge and into those authentic relationships...and it's TOUGH.

Erin said...

Wow, Dena. I love that!!! Can I post it (or link to it) on my page? Would you mind? You got me all choked up, girlfriend.

Dena G said...

Post-posting permission granted. ;-)