Saturday, March 25, 2006

My latest music addiction...

His name is Charlie Dodrill. I found him here on MySpaceMusic. If you're interested, you can read his story, either there or on his website, . In his "former life", he was a monk and started writing/playing music as his expression of love and worship to God. I'm totally hooked on his sound and his lyrics. If you check him out, let me know what you think!


Erin said...
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Erin said...

(gotta love it when you post a comment, and then notice a typo...ugh.)

Dude! I checked him out and he's awesome! Thanks for sharing--I've been needing some new music for awhile.

The crazy thing is, yesterday I won $10 of free music from iTunes, which was just enough to buy his album :) Can't wait to hear the rest!

Dena G said...

"Under the Impression" is my favorite...seems like God's been speaking the same thing to a lot of people lately.