Thursday, September 06, 2007

God says....

"...and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10

God's saying a lot of things right now...but it all seems to come right back to this.

If you pray, please toss my name in there somewhere. I need some peace of mind and clarity of vision.


Nate said...

God seems to be pushing you that way. Just keep your eyes peeled for the open door to serve. He will show it to you if you miss it. So don't worry.

Nate said...

When you say Mississippi, are you talking about the river, which is close by, or the state, which is a ways away from you?

Dena G said...

The state. :-) Gulfport, MS, to be exact.

I've been doing volunteer work with a Katrina ministry there. This last trip, though, was just for spend time with some people who have become VERY dear to me.

I'm watching and waiting for that door...and I'm SO excited about what the future will hold. I have to be really careful about leaping before it's time, though--don't want to break my nose on a not-yet-opened door!

Anonymous said...

(FTR, yours is NOT bland! I was talking about the combination of the simple design and the gray color. Every time I re-do a color scheme on myspace or my blog, it ends up being some combination of gray and another muted color. That's what I meant by my "simple" being someone else's "boring" :))

Dena G said...

I like gray. :-) Simple is beautiful. Your words are the color.

Nate said...

So you come into the neighbohood but don't drop by. Jus over here in Atlanta, seven short hours away. (driving 80 mph)

No, the south is pretty big, and Gulfport is a long ways away. Just wondering if you got close enough that we might be able to meet for coffee. You could meet my wife and family.

Dena G said...

Maybe someday, Nate--I'm all about putting faces with voices when possible. I was on a plane this time, though. :-)