Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Is this your church?

I'm starting to believe it's mine. I'm disgruntled in a BIG way. And I'm not apologizing for it...at least not right now. This is actually written by missionary currently in the Ukraine. Same kinda crap all over the world, eh?

I am NOT "in rebellion", although I'm relatively certain I'm "fixin" to be labelled as such, if I haven't been already. I love "THE church"--I even love the people who attend the Sunday morning gathering to which I've been attached for a LONG time. I'm just not all that crazy about that environment right now. And I have questions. LOTS of them.

Ask the wrong questions, and you’re labeled a heretic, and eventually forced out of the church. Many of the churches here have long lists of people who were ex-communicated for exactly these reasons.
Why is it that the churches all say “We have the answer”, but don’t want to hear the questions? They have answers to questions that nobody is asking, but the real questions scare them.
We were talking about what we would like to see in our church, and how we want to create an environment where people are comfortable asking questions - about anything - without fear of condemnation.
We are trying to start this process by asking some of these questions ourselves, in church, to show people that asking questions is not rebellion, despite what they may have been taught at other churches.


Nate said...

I read this post too. Luckily when we think we have it bad, it could be much worse. More and more, Nimrod Minnesota is looking good.

Dena G said...

Nimrod does sometimes sound pretty good, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, at this point, I know I still have a part to play here, but I also know it's just a season in my life...and one that seems to be winding down.

I served at our Wednesday night dinner last night and I was just overwhelmed with sadness for the people I love. However, at the same time, I was watching and listening...there was an uncomfortable undercurrent--a sense of division, even though no one was outwardly unfriendly.

And all I could see were the faces of the people who aren't there anymore.

Why can't we all just play nicely together?

Anonymous said...

What a vivid picture, D. That makes me feel really sad. It also makes me wonder how Jesus feels when he looks at his broken church. Probably pretty similar.

Nate said...

If you are friendly with those that are not there anymore, maybe a get together?

Dena G said...

I DO get together with those no longer there...some of them are my dearest friends. *I* would be one of the "no longer there" number if I didn't strongly feel that I still have a place and a purpose there.

I'm just weary of dealing with people who seem to believe that everyone has to fit into a certain "mold" in order to be relevant/useful to a particular church. We're missing the beauty in the diversity. I don't want to be a clone of someone else...nor do I want someone to be MY clone. Scary thought.

Anonymous said...

Dena, I swear, sometimes I just want to kidnap you and bring you to Columbus.

Now I've got Alanis Morissette in my head: "How to control someone to be a carbon copy of you/ How to have that not work and have them run away from you" (from "Eight Easy Steps")