Thursday, September 20, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame...

So, I needed a brief respite from the doom and gloom of the past few posts.

How 'bout those Cubbies?!!! Still in first place in the NL Central. Just 1.5 games up, but they're holding on. Both Milwaukee and St Louis lost tonight...the Astros beat the Cards 18-1. I had to watch the game recap just to make sure I was really seeing it correctly! Still trying not to gloat... ;-) St Louis is actually close to being eliminated from the division race. Too bad the Brewers aren't that close---yet.

Go Cubs!!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doom and gloom? Nah, we melancholies aren't doom and gloom...we're realists. On steroids. :) (That's a Chad quote from waaayyy back in the day)